Computer Science News Sciencedaily
Such material can be letters, numbers, or facts like grades in a class, baseball batting averages, or light and dark areas in a photograph. Processed data becomes information, data that is organized, meaningful, and useful. In school, for instance, an instructor could enter various student grades , which can be processed to produce final grades and perhaps a class average . Data that is perhaps uninteresting on its own may become very interesting once it is converted to information. This architecture was first developed in the 1980s by Acorn Computer Group, which spun off Advanced RISC Machines Ltd., now known as ARM. Officially known as the Track Write, the automatically expanding full-sized keyboard used by the ThinkPad 701 is designed by inventor John Karidis. The keyboard was comprised of three roughly triangular interlocking pieces, which formed a full-sized keyboard when the laptop was opened -- resulting in a keyboard significantly wider than the case. This keyboard design wa...